
ATIA is governed by an Executive Council, which is elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and includes five available voting positions: President, Treasurer, Secretary, VP Northern Alberta, and VP Southern Alberta. The executive Council is joined by Members at Large to form the ATIA Board.


The work of the Board is supported by the hired positions of Administrative Assistant/Examination Coordinator and Development Coordinator.


Executive Council

Tania Therien –

VP Northern Alberta:
Bao Yan Feng –

VP Southern Alberta:
Samah Elzahaby –

Russell Gillis –

Russell Gillis –

Past President:
Roula Salam


Members at Large

Certified Member Representative – Regina Landeck

Certified Member Representative – Mayada Tawachi

Certified Member Representative – Tina Wellman

Associate Member Representative – Olha Kosheleva

Associate Member Representative – Michel Selim

Associate Member Representative – Monica De Maria


Administration/Exam Coordinator:
Allison Downer –

Development Coordinator:
Kea Adachi-


Associate Members Committee
Sarah Burchnall – Chair
Lizza Cruz 
Mayada Tawachi
Michel Selim
Anna Marchisano
Tatiana Cojocaru
Cristina Alcoforado

The Associate Members Committee is dedicated to representing and advocating for ATIA’s Associate members. Our mission is to ensure that the voices of our Associate Members are heard and their concerns, ideas, and proposals are taken into consideration. Through collaborative efforts, we strive to find common ground and develop practical solutions to benefit our Associate members and the organization as a whole. As a committee, we are committed to fostering a strong and inclusive community that supports the growth and success of our Associate members.

Bursary and Community Services Committee
Siyi Tonella – Chair
Samah Elzahaby
Ahmad Reza Katouzian
Xiaoyun (Jessica) Wynnychuk

Grants and Bursaries: We would like to help our members succeed by: helping them financially and to alleviate some stress during these challenging times, to work on a translation or interpretation project, achieve a professional goal, or attend a professional development webinar or training program/course. A grant is available only to Certified members, whereas a bursary is available to both Certified and Associate members if the specified criteria is met. Don’t wait, apply today!

Community Services: ATIA would like to give back to the community and help those in need by providing translation and interpretation services to Alberta not-for-profit organizations that have little or no funding for these services. This allows our members to engage in this meaningful cause and educate the public about the importance of using services of ATIA members; professionals who care (Win-Win). A service request form is available online HERE for organizations to download and fill out. The requests will be managed by the Bursary and Community Services Committee, they will connect eligible ATIA members with the organizations to complete the requested services. The ATIA members will then receive honorariums in amounts approved by the ATIA Executive Council for the services rendered through this initiative. This initiative is subject to availability of funding and availability of members. ATIA members will be contacted for participation by the Bursary and Community Services Committee members. Incoming projects will be assigned according to the nature of the services requested by Alberta not-for-profit organizations, while keeping fairness and equal access to these opportunities as a priority, and will be monitored by the ATIA Executive Council to ensure transparency and accountability. If you have any questions, you can contact the Bursary and Community Services Committee at:

Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee is an ad-hoc committee that convenes when a complaint concerning a breach of ATIA’s Code of Ethics is brought against an ATIA member. The members of the discipline committee investigate the complaint, collect evidence, hold a hearing if necessary, and propose an action (sanction or dismissal). Members of the DC are also involved in updating the procedures manual for discipline cases.
Please forward all complaints to the ATIA administrative assistant for confidential delivery to the discipline committee.

Events and Professional Development Committee
Perla Ben-Zvi– Chair
Sarah Burchnall

Alejandra Diaz
Risa Na

The Events and Professional Development Committee is focused on planning, finding, and arranging professional development opportunities. These opportunities include, but are not limited to events (in person and online), webinars, training sessions, and everything and anything that could be relevant to or pertinent to ATIA while also engaging ATIA membership and the community at large. The Events and Professional Development Committee is encouraged to collaborate with other ATIA Committees to host/co-host events, both in-person and online. 

Exam Committee
Mayada Tawachi – Chair
Jean-Francois Schell
Corey Colling 

The Exam Committee works closely with ATIA’s Administrative Assistant, President, and other Board Members to assist ATIA on exam related matters. Its objectives include: reviewing and improving exam marking guidelines and criteria, helping in exam text selection, providing feedback on marking and assessment of ATIA’s Associate Level Exams, and offering peer support and collaboration to markers to assist them in giving objective feedback and fair assessment to exam candidates.

Indigenous Languages Committee
Tina Wellman – Chair
Ross Krekoski – Chair
Roula Salam
Elaine Yoshida

The Indigenous Languages Committee is the first of its kind among the Provincial Associations and will be working closely with various Indigenous language professionals in order to design, develop, and pilot the pre-entry level, Associate-level and the Certified-level assessments and exam procedures. We are proud to be working with translators, interpreters, and language experts from various Indigenous communities across the province to begin developing the framework and procedures to enable translators and interpreters in Indigenous languages to become members of ATIA.

Interpreters Committee
Shervin Ashraf – Chair
Monica De Maria
Samah Elzahaby

The Interpreters Committee will be working on approaches and solutions to help elevate the status of interpreters across Alberta by helping to create learning and professional development, mentorship, and collaboration opportunities, as well as shaping and promoting standards and advocating for good working conditions within the interpreting industry.

Title Protection and Public Relations Committee
Kea Adachi – Chair
Michel Selim
Samah Elzahaby
Mayada Tawachi
Roula Salam

The Title Protection and Public Relations Committee will be conducting research and following the procedures and processes set in place by the Government of Alberta, to achieve Title Protection for ATIA.  Working in close collaboration with the Development Coordinator and the President, committee members will also reach out to the relevant authorities, entities, and stakeholders in Alberta to provide information regarding the importance of ATIA, the certification processes, our high standards, and code of ethics. The committee will also create and develop public relations materials, information, and procedures for ATIA members to use when engaging with the public or other entities. 


Heidi-Marie Seeholzer – Edmonton – Deceased
Juergen Jahn – Calgary