Cecilia Sessarego Ph.D

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English Spanish Translator Certified
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Cecilia Sessarego holds a Ph.D in Education (University of Calgary) with a specialization in Second Languages and is also a Certified Translator in Canada (EN/ES). She recently retired as an Associate Professor at Mount Royal University where she taught a variety of undergraduate Spanish language, culture, and third and fourth year translation courses for many years.

Cecilia is co-editor of “Experiences in Translation/Experiencias de Traducción”, a Mount Royal University online Journal of undergraduate students’ translation work. She has published peer-reviewed articles and chapters on second language education (e.g. Hispania-US; ELA-Mexico; Notos-Canada; JSLT-U.K.). Her latest chapter appeared in the Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics (Routledge, 2021). She has also published five translated short stories in TransLit – an anthology of Literary Translations. Cecilia has been a reviewer for a number of published literary translations as well as articles on L2 Spanish pragmatics. Cecilia does freelance professional translations in a variety of fields.